~Smiles~ Unlimited!!

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At my Place
All WORK and NO PLAY!!
Friday, September 19, 2008

Well.. that’s the story of my life these days….Life is busier than ever, super busy with work, busy juggling the social calendar and did I mention I am doing some papers at the business school, yeah I know.. I too amaze myself sometimes :)….As the weekdays are a bit overstuffed lately, weekends seem to me like a lifeboat and I try boarding without many plans as I occasionally like my weekends vague and empty. Anu has another outlook altogether on weekends and what to do with them. He likes to jam in as much as possible into fragile weekends and I can only look on in awe.

The nine year old is, well let’s say he’s quite into all. I look across at him sometimes, sitting next to me in the couch or walking with me alongside and I begin to see a hint of the teenager that is yet to come. Staring at his own horizon, thinking I can’t imagine what and looking.. well, older let‘s say. It’s the last thing a sentimental mum like me needs to see, I am someone who always wish kids to stay at a certain age forever, like a character from the Simpsons or something. But I guess it isn’t to be. Your children all grow bigger and older around you, leaving you feeling small at times, that is how it’s meant to go, I suppose (sigh!!)…

Yay!!! Spring is here….after the doom and gloom of winter, my favourite season is upon us at last and my spirits are instantly lifted. As spring flowers raise their heads all around you, Sun god decides to make more frequent visits, so yeah all great and bright things on the way….I honestly believe that this year is racing at an amazing jet pace, can you believe daylight saving starts next week? tell you what, I am certainly looking forward for the longer evenings.

Well, that’s about it from me. Might make a cuppa and see if I can make anymore headway with the mountain of Ironing I got to do… Hang on, phone ringing. Oh gosh, must dash – I totally forgot about something important I had to...More in next...


posted by All Smiles!! @ 6:34 PM   3 comments
About Me

Name: All Smiles!!
Home: Auckland, New Zealand
About Me: A typical Cancerian and a moderate friendly person with frequent mood swings (everyone close to me can vouch for that :))
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